ACTION NEEDED December 17, 2015 CRT Stakeholders and Friends, This afternoon the Senate introduced the "Patient Access and Medicare Protection Act", which includes a one year delay in the application of Medicare competitive bid pricing to Complex Rehab Wheelchair Accessories. To ensure its passage we need you to call your Senators TODAY. This bipartisan bill has been introduced by Senators Portman (R-OH), Casey (D-PA), Burr (R-NC), Schumer (D-NY), Blunt (R-MO), and Bennet (D-CO) and is limited to resolutions of several non-controversial Medicare issues. The plan is to get this bill passed before Congress adjourns. It is being expedited through the Senate using what is called the "hot line" process. What this means is that once the bill is introduced and distributed, each Senator has 24 hours to object to it. If there are no objections within that 24 hour period the bill is deemed as passed in the Senate and will be forwarded to the House for their voting. This is our last opportunity to get the CRT delay implemented this year and we need all CRT stakeholders to take the following action TODAY! If this effort is successful, we will let you know tomorrow on how to best contact your legislators in the House of Representatives. ACTION NEEDED: Using the Senate phone list below, please call both of your Senators (unless your Senator is one of the original sponsors above) and deliver this message: "I need the Senator to support the "Patient Access and Medicare Protection Act", which has just been introduced by Senators Portman, Casey, Burr, Schumer, Blunt, and Bennet and is being expedited through the "hot line" process. The bill includes a one year delay in the application of Medicare competitive bid pricing to Complex Rehab Wheelchair Accessories and will ensure individuals with significant disabilities continue to receive the specialized technology they depend on."

Name State Office Phone
Jeff Sessions Alabama 202-224-4124
Richard Shelby Alabama 202-224-5744
Lisa Murkowski Alaska 202-224-6665
Dan Sullivan Alaska 202-224-3004
Jeff Flake Arizona 202-224-4521
John McCain Arizona 202-224-2235
John Boozman Arkansas 202-224-4843
Tom Cotton Arkansas 202-224-2353
Barbara Boxer California 202-224-3553
Dianne Feinstein California 202-224-3841
Michael Bennet Colorado 202-224-5852
Cory Gardner Colorado 202-224-5941
Richard Blumenthal Connecticut 202-224-2823
Chris Murphy Connecticut 202-224-4041
Tom Carper Delaware 202-224-2441
Chris Coons Delaware 202-224-5042
Bill Nelson Florida 202-224-5274
Marco Rubio Florida 202-224-3041
Johnny Isakson Georgia 202-224-3643
David Perdue Georgia 202-224-3521
Mazie Hirono Hawaii 202-224-6361
Brian Schatz Hawaii 202-224-3934
Mike Crapo Idaho 202-224-6142
Jim Risch Idaho 202-224-2752
Dick Durbin Illinois 202-224-2152
Mark Kirk Illinois 202-224-2854
Dan Coats Indiana 202-224-5623
Joe Donnelly Indiana 202-224-4814
Joni Ernst Iowa 202-224-3254
Chuck Grassley Iowa 202-224-3744
Jerry Moran Kansas 202-224-6521
Pat Roberts Kansas 202-224-4774
Mitch McConnell Kentucky 202-224-2541
Rand Paul Kentucky 202-224-4343
Bill Cassidy Louisiana 202-224-5824
David Vitter Louisiana 202-224-4623
Susan Collins Maine 202-224-2523
Angus King Maine 202-224-5344
Ben Cardin Maryland 202-224-4524
Barbara Mikulski Maryland 202-224-4654
Edward Markey Massachusetts 202-224-2742
Elizabeth Warren Massachusetts 202-224-4543
Gary Peters Michigan 202-224-6221
Debbie Stabenow Michigan 202-224-4822
Al Franken Minnesota 202-224-5641
Amy Klobuchar Minnesota 202-224-3244
Thad Cochran Mississippi 202-224-5054
Roger Wicker Mississippi 202-224-6253
Roy Blunt Missouri 202-224-5721
Claire McCaskill Missouri 202-224-6154
Steven Daines Montana 202-224-2651
Jon Tester Montana 202-224-2644
Deb Fischer Nebraska 202-224-6551
Ben Sasse Nebraska 202-224-4224
Dean Heller Nevada 202-224-6244
Harry Reid Nevada 202-224-3542
Kelly Ayotte New Hampshire 202-224-3324
Jeanne Shaheen New Hampshire 202-224-2841
Cory Booker New Jersey 202-224-3224
Bob Menendez New Jersey 202-224-4744
Martin Heinrich New Mexico 202-224-5521
Tom Udall New Mexico 202-224-6621
Kirsten Gillibrand New York 202-224-4451
Charles Schumer New York 202-224-6542
Richard Burr North Carolina 202-224-3154
Thom Tillis North Carolina 202-224-6342
Heidi Heitkamp North Dakota 202-224-2043
John Hoeven North Dakota 202-224-2551
Sherrod Brown Ohio 202-224-2315
Rob Portman Ohio 202-224-3353
Jim Inhofe Oklahoma 202-224-4721
James Lankford Oklahoma 202-224-5754
Jeff Merkley Oregon 202-224-3753
Ron Wyden Oregon 202-224-5244
Robert Casey Pennsylvania 202-224-6324
Pat Toomey Pennsylvania 202-224-4254
Jack Reed Rhode Island 202-224-4642
Sheldon Whitehouse Rhode Island 202-224-2921
Lindsey Graham South Carolina 202-224-5972
Tim Scott South Carolina 202-224-6121
Michael Rounds South Dakota 202-224-5842
John Thune South Dakota 202-224-2321
Lamar Alexander Tennessee 202-224-4944
Bob Corker Tennessee 202-224-3344
John Cornyn Texas 202-224-2934
Ted Cruz Texas 202-224-5922
Orrin Hatch Utah 202-224-5251
Mike Lee Utah 202-224-5444
Pat Leahy Vermont 202-224-4242
Bernard Sanders Vermont 202-224-5141
Tim Kaine Virginia 202-224-4024
Mark Warner Virginia 202-224-2023
Maria Cantwell Washington 202-224-3441
Patty Murray Washington 202-224-2621
Shelley Moore Capito West Virginia 202-224-6472
Joe Manchin West Virginia 202-224-3954
Tammy Baldwin Wisconsin 202-224-5653
Ron Johnson Wisconsin 202-224-5323
John Barrasso Wyoming 202-224-6441
Mike Enzi Wyoming 202-224-3424
Thank you for making these important phone calls today. We will provide further updates as things develop. Best regards, Donald E. Clayback Executive Director 716-839-9728 |