We wanted to share a new video that illustrates the important role Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) plays in the lives of individuals with significant disabilities. For Jenny and others, CRT provides the critical tools needed to live life independently. Appropriate access shouldn't be threatened by things like poor Medicare policy and we need Congress to pass recently introduced legislation to stop this from happening.


To help advocate for continued access to CRT, take just a few minutes to visit www.protectmymobility.org and send an email to your Members of Congress to ask that they cosponsor H.R. 2293 / S. 1223 (the Complex Rehab Wheelchair bill) and H.R. 2408 (the Separate Benefit Category bill). Then share the link with associates, family, and friends and encourage them to do the same!

If you have questions or would like information on how to share Jenny's video with your Members of Congress email mlee@ncart.us.