In November 2019 CMS published for “public comment” Proposed Rule CMS-1738-P “Medicare Program; Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Policy Issues and Level II of the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)”.  This proposed rule included significant issues and proposals impacting access to Complex Rehab Technology (CRT).

On January 4, 2021 NCART submitted a 22-page letter supplying comments and recommendations on a variety of topics impacting CRT coding, coverage, and payment.  Of particular importance are the comments regarding improvements to the coding systems and the comments regarding CMS making a PERMANENT policy change to stop applying Competitive Bidding Pricing to CRT manual wheelchair accessories.  A copy of the NCART letter can be viewed here.

We will be monitoring the progress of this proposed rule and hope CMS will incorporate our recommendations in the publication of the Final Rule.

Donald E. Clayback
Executive Director | NCART
716-839-9728 (office) | 716-913-4754 (cell) |