There is a lot going on in the CRT arena and it can be challenging to stay current on important CRT issues. To help you stay informed and engaged, you are invited to attend NCART's "CRT Legislative and Regulatory Update" webinar on Wednesday October 29th from 3:00 PM ET to 4:30 PM ET. The webinar will provide an update on key CRT activities and issues that are in play at the federal and state levels. This is open to all CRT providers and manufacturers. Other CRT stakeholders may also attend. There is no charge for attending but advanced registration is required. To sign up go to Once signed up you will receive the call-in details in a follow up email. Please share this invite with others in your organization as appropriate. Hope to have many of you on the call! Regards, Don Donald E. Clayback Executive Director | N.C.A.R.T. 716-839-9728 (office) | 716-913-4754 (cell) [email protected] |
October 21, 2014 by NCART