Promoting Independence for People with Disabilities: Educational Display of Individually-Configured Complex Rehab Technology
July 20, 2015 from 12:00 to 3:00 PM Rayburn Building Room B-340 Refreshments Will Be Provided
The United Spinal Association, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and the National Coalition for Assistive and Rehab Technology (NCART), in coordination with the offices of Representatives Jim Sensenbrenner and Joe Crowley, invite Members of Congress and Congressional staff to learn more about Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) and the benefits it provides to people with disabilities.
• People with high-level disabilities such as ALS, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Cord Injury, and Traumatic Brain Injury depend on CRT to address their medical needs, maximize their function and independence, and minimize health care costs. The provision of CRT is service-intensive involving evaluation, configuration, fitting, adjustment, or programming. The equipment must then be supported with ongoing service and repair. • This Exposition will allow attendees to walk around at their own pace and visit 4 different displays of CRT systems and accessories, including individually configured manual and power wheelchairs. Consumers, clinicians, providers, manufacturers, and other advocates will be in attendance to provide demonstrations and answer questions. • Attendees will see and hear what CRT is all about, including: what it looks like, who uses it, how it differs from standard Durable Medical Equipment (DME), the benefits it provides, and how it's configured to meet the individual needs of people with disabilities.
CRT is very different from standard Durable Medical Equipment and faces its own unique access issues within the Medicare program. Come learn about the challenges this sector of needed specialized equipment faces and how Congress can take action this year on two critical issues:
• A legislative technical correction to stop CMS from inappropriately applying Competitive Bid Program pricing to CRT wheelchair accessories on January 1, 2016. • Passage of the "Ensuring Access to Quality Complex Rehabilitation Technology Act of 2015" (H.R. 1516 and S. 1013).
Individuals expecting to attend are asked to reply to Mickae Lee at NCART at [email protected] or 585-784-0208
July 9, 2015 by NCART