Although there are many organizations out there you can choose to throw your support behind, NCART and organizations like it, are like no other. We work every day to help those who supply or manufacture Complex Rehab Technology ensure their consumers are afforded access to meet their needs. Read why you should support organizations like NCART and the work we do.
Working for Others
At NCART we work and support the manufacturers and providers that help those who rely on Complex Rehab Technology. On behalf of our members we help provide education and advocacy to ensure we protect access for consumers to the CRT vital to their wellbeing and sense of independence. When you support us, you're supporting the livelihood of others and the betterment of their quality of life.
Protect Access to CRT
When you back our organization, it shows Congress, state legislators, policy makers, clinicians, and others that CRT is important. It allows us to provide education that leads to a greater knowledge about the intricacies of providing CRT and urges interest to keep improving access.
Provide Crucial Information
We provide information for those in and outside of the CRT industry. We're always looking to promote and protect access to CRT and we need our supporters help to spread the word as well. When you support an organization like NCART, you're working alongside us and can help share our educational materials and messages.
We hope that these points help show you why organizations like NCART are so vital to the community. We'd like to thank everyone in the field who dedicates their time to helping others. If you have any questions about your CRT or any other assistive and rehab technology, contact us today!
July 12, 2017 by NCART