In our previous blog, we highlighted some of the things we're looking forward to during the 2016 RESNA/NCART conference. We would like to continue that preview for today's blog:
CRT Legislative and Regulatory Update
The policy landscape for CRT is ever-changing, and this session's aim is to keep attendees abreast of those changes. Industry experts will provide a comprehensive look at what's going on at both the federal and state levels. Some of the things covered will include: Medicare Separate Benefit Category legislation, Medicare's application of Competitive Bid pricing to CRT wheelchair accessories, other Medicare issues and state CRT legislation.
Seating, Mobility, and CRT Show and Tell
Just as the regulations surrounding CRT are constantly changing, so are the technologies going into them. This session will allow attendees to have a hands-on demonstration of recent emerging and innovative technologies for Complex Rehab Technology.
Capitol Hill Visits
If you have a stake at all in the world of Complex Rehab Technology, we would encourage you to attend this event! During this visit, you will have direct access to the policy makers who impact the legislation around CRT. Participants will be able to meet with both their senators and representatives in Congress. Those who do sign up for the Capitol Hill Visit will be required to attend the session titled "Congressional Prep for Capitol Hill Visits" The session will equip you with talking points about specific target issues, as well as familiarize you with the logistics of the visit.
The actual time that you visit with congressional members will vary. Since you will meet with the representatives from your area, everyone will meet with different legislators, and not all of them are on the same schedule. Remember, if you attend this session, you will need to dress appropriately! Dark suits for men, and pants or skirt suits for women.
We're looking forward to seeing all of our supporters at this year's conference! You can find full conference information here.
June 20, 2016 by NCART