CRT Stakeholders and Friends, In order to gather more Congressional support on CRT issues we are holding a Complex Rehab Technology Exposition on Capitol Hill next Monday July 20th. This invitation provides more details, but here are the highlights: Title: "Promoting Independence for People with Disabilities: Educational Display of Individually-Configured Complex Rehab Technology" July 20, 2015 from 12:00 to 3:00 PM; Rayburn Building Room B-340; Refreshments Provided The Exposition will allow attendees to walk around at their own pace and visit 4 different displays of CRT systems and accessories, including individually configured manual and power wheelchairs. Consumers, clinicians, providers, manufacturers, and other advocates will be in attendance to provide demonstrations and answer questions Attendees will see and hear what CRT is all about, including: what it looks like, who uses it, how it differs from standard Durable Medical Equipment (DME), the benefits it provides, and how it's configured to meet the individual needs of people with disabilities Will cover two critical issues we need Congress to take action on this year: (1) a legislative technical correction to stop CMS from inappropriately applying Competitive Bid Program pricing to CRT wheelchair accessories on January 1, 2016 and (2) passage of the "Ensuring Access to Quality Complex Rehabilitation Technology Act of 2015" (H.R. 1516 and S. 1013) Your help is needed. We want to get as many offices to attend as possible. Please contact the offices of your Members of Congress (your Representative and Senators) and personally invite them to visit the Expo between 12:00 noon and 3:00 PM. You can use the sample email at the end of this email as a guide. This is a great CRT educational opportunity for Congress. Your personal invite will make a difference. Thanks for reaching out to them today if you can. Regards, Don Donald E. Clayback Executive Director | NCART Office 716-839-9728 | Cell 716-913-4754 [email protected] | Sample Email To Congress: Dear ______________, I'd like to invite you to attend a Capitol Hill Complex Rehab Technology Exposition being held Monday July 20th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM in the Rayburn Building Room B-340. The event is entitled "Promoting Independence for People with Disabilities: An Educational Display of Individually-Configured Complex Rehab Technology" and is designed to allow Members of Congress and Congressional staff to learn more about Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) and the benefits it provides to people with disabilities. It is being presented by the United Spinal Association, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and the National Coalition for Assistive and Rehab Technology (NCART), in coordination with the offices of Representatives Jim Sensenbrenner and Joe Crowley. This will be a great opportunity to see and hear about CRT and the access challenges this specialized equipment faces. It will also cover two critical issues we need Congress to take action on this year: (1) a legislative technical correction to stop CMS from inappropriately applying Competitive Bid Program pricing to CRT wheelchair accessories on January 1, 2016 and (2) passage of the "Ensuring Access to Quality Complex Rehabilitation Technology Act of 2015" (H.R. 1516 and S. 1013). Attached is the invite with more details. Please let me know if someone from your office will be able to attend. Regards,
July 13, 2015 by NCART