Fellow CRT Providers and Manufacturers,
As you know, our industry is facing challenges like never before and we're all feeling the burden of it. Funding changes, policy updates, and the healthcare system itself are each presenting hurdles and I am always looking for ways to make my business more successful and to secure its future. As part of that effort, I attend the National CRT Leadership and Advocacy conference each year.
This CRT event offers practical leadership advice for me and for my executive team. The information provided can be applied directly to our daily practices and encourages us to implement new processes that enhance our outcomes. This year I'm particularly excited to hear keynote speaker Ty Bello as he relates his experience in boot camp to how business owners can launch themselves forward and set themselves up for success through determination and advocacy. Check out his video clip below.
Perhaps most importantly, my Monroe Wheelchair team and I will be participating in the conference Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill to take the CRT message to Congress and to ask for needed change. These meetings are crucial to ensuring that my Representative and Senators understand Complex Rehab Technology, all that it accomplishes, and how it can be protected. It's particularly important in 2019 due to the large number of new Members in Congress. More CRT voices are needed, and that's why I'm writing to encourage you to join me on May 1-2 in Arlington, VA for the conference.
I'm getting my team registered today and I hope you'll join us! We are more than capable of influencing meaningful change IF we are willing to come together to deliver the message that CRT is critical to individuals living with disabilities and that it must be protected. You can find more information and the registration link at www.ncart.us/crtconf.
Doug Westerdahl
Monroe Wheelchair- President/CEO; NCART President
[email protected]