November 1, 2017 CRT Stakeholders and Friends, Your action is needed this week to get your Congressional Representative to protect access to CRT Manual Wheelchair Accessories by cosponsoring H.R. 3730. This year is quickly coming to a close and Congress is busier than ever. We need thousands of CRT stakeholders to write and call their Representatives to ask them to cosponsor and pass H.R. 3730, which would prevent CMS from applying Competitive Bid pricing to accessories used with CRT Manual Wheelchairs. It will take you less than 5 minutes to take the first step! Go to the H.R. 3730 section at Use the prepared emails and talking points to quickly communicate with your Representative and get them to sign on as a cosponsor. CRT Power Wheelchair accessories have been protected. Let's finish the job and ensure that CRT Manual Wheelchair accessories are protected too! Regards, Don Donald E. Clayback Executive Director | NCART Office 716-839-9728 | Cell 716-913-4754 [email protected] | P.S. If you know of any other stakeholders that would like to receive updates like these, have them join our mailing list here!
November 1, 2017 by NCART