November 25, 2015 CRT Stakeholders and Friends, Late Monday, CMS published the 2016 Medicare fee schedule. As feared, the new payment rates include major reductions (as high as 30% to 40% or more) to complex rehab wheelchair accessories. These cuts are being implemented by CMS in violation of prior Congressional legislation. They will dramatically reduce or outright eliminate access for people with disabilities who rely on individually configured complex rehab wheelchairs and critical components such as seating equipment, positioning systems, and specialty controls. There is one last chance to stop this and protect access. We need to use the next 7 to 10 days to get Congress to add our complex rehab wheelchair accessory legislation, HR-3229/S-2196, to a larger bill and pass it before they adjourn in mid-December. We have had discussions with our Congressional champions. The good news is they remain committed to working to getting our bill passed. But they can't do it alone. They have indicated that constituents must generate more support by connecting with their own representatives and telling them this is a priority. Now is the time to contact or re-contact your Members via phone. The message is simple: "I need you to attach HR-3229/S-2196 to larger legislation and pass it before you adjourn in December". Please go to and use the links to make your contacts. Be persistent until you get a commitment and let us know if you need any assistance. We can make this happen if enough people make the time to contact Congress. We will be providing further updates as we move ahead. Thanks for making this a priority! Regards, Don Donald E. Clayback Executive Director | NCART Office 716-839-9728 | Cell 716-913-4754 [email protected] |
November 25, 2015 by NCART