CRT Congressional Call-In Day
April 29, 2014
Help Protect Access to Specialized Equipment Used By People with Disabilities
A large group of Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) stakeholders (consumers, clinicians, suppliers, manufacturers, and advocates) will be in Washington, D.C. visiting Members of Congress on May 1st.
The purpose is to secure additional co-sponsors for the "Ensuring Access to Quality Complex Rehabilitation Technology Act of 2013". House Bill number H.R. 942 and Senate Bill number S. 948. This legislation will protect and improve access to CRT for people with significant disabilities and chronic medical conditions by creating a separate category for CRT under the Medicare program to provide a distinction of the specialized nature of CRT products and allow for other needed changes.
These changes include eliminating Medicare's "In the Home" restriction for CRT and enhancing supplier standards and safeguards. The long-term objective of this initiative is to improve access for people with disabilities of all ages, whether covered by Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance.
If you can't be in Washington, help out and call your Members of Congress on April 29th. We need thousands of people to call Members of Congress and ask them to sign on as a co-sponsor to HR-942/S-948 to ensure people with disabilities have adequate access to the CRT they depend on. Members must hear from constituents that this is important.
To help, follow these steps:
1.) Go to and review the "Co-Sponsors By State" listed under the "Separate Benefit Category Needed" heading. See if your senators and representatives are already signed on. If they aren't, proceed to Step 2. (If you don't know their names, go to and enter your Zip Code in the address box.)
2.) If any of your Members are not signed on, call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 202-225-3121 and ask to be connected to their offices. When connected to your Member's office, tell them you are calling about "pending Medicare legislation" and ask to speak with the "Health Legislative Assistant".
3.) Your message: "I am calling to ask Representative __________ (or Senator __________) to sign on as a co-sponsor to House Bill H.R. 942 (or Senate Bill S. 948) to establish a Separate Category for Complex Rehab Technology under the Medicare program. This bill protects access to specialized wheelchairs, seating systems, and other adaptive equipment used by a small population of people with significant disabilities such as spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, ALS, and multiple sclerosis. It is gaining strong support in Congress and already has 109 Representatives and 12 Senators signed on. The bill is also supported by over 50 national consumer and medical professional groups including the United Spinal Association, the ALS Association, the MS Society, the American Association for People with Disabilities, and the Paralyzed Veterans Association."
4.) Point them to if they would like more information. Thanks to everyone for their participation! For additional information about Complex Rehab Technology and the Separate Benefit Category initiative please visit
Release Date: 23-Apr-2014
April 23, 2014 by NCART