Register for the 2014 National CRT Leadership and Advocacy Conference
January 27, 2014
CRT Stakeholders,
You're invited to the 2014 "CRT Event of the Year" focused on promoting and protecting access to Complex Rehab Technology.
Registration is now open for the second annual National CRT Leadership and Advocacy Conference which will be held April 29 through May 1, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia. This conference is put on by NCART and NRRTS and will build on last year's first-ever National CRT Conference which generated high attendee ratings and requests to make it an annual event.
The goal of the National CRT Conference is to bring CRT stakeholders together in one place for high-value education, networking, and advocacy. The conference allows providers, manufacturers, clinicians, consumers, and others to collectively focus on important CRT issues and activities.
This type of conference has never been more important than it is today, given all that is going on in the CRT world and particularly our push to get legislation passed to create a Separate CRT Benefit Category within the Medicare program.
The three-day program includes:
- CRT Leadership Sessions: Business presentations and breakout sessions for the management teams of CRT providers and manufacturers
- Funding and Advocacy Sessions for All CRT Stakeholders: The latest Medicare and Medicaid trends, issues, and advocacy strategies relating to CRT coverage and payment
- CELA: The historic cornerstone event for taking the CRT message directly to Congress. Our presence in Washington and the in-person meetings with Congress have been key factors in the progress of our CRT legislation and this year's conference will be a critical opportunity to push for passage.
Here's a summary of each day:
1.) LEADERSHIP DAY - TUESDAY, APRIL 29th - CRT-focused presentations for providers and manufacturers will include: healthcare reform trends; views from an industry CEO panel; financial management best practices; CRT-related revenue opportunities; using technology and social media; handling hearings and audits; and more. The day's schedule: 7:30 am to 8:30 am Registration; 8:30 am to 5:00 pm General and Breakout sessions; 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm "CRT United" Reception.
2.) ADVOCACY DAY - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th - Funding and advocacy sessions for CRT stakeholders will include: Medicare and Medicaid updates; federal and state CRT legislative activities; using state protection and advocacy resources; lesser-known funding sources; prep for visits with Congress; and more. (Includes the Medicaid Summit and CELA). The day's schedule: 7:30 am to 8:30 am Registration; 8:30 am to 5:00 pm General and Breakout sessions; 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Congressional Prep.
3.) CAPITOL HILL DAY - THURSDAY, May 1st - Our annual presence in Washington has been a key factor in the progress of our CRT legislation and this is where we build on our momentum. Consumers, clinicians, providers, and manufacturers will take the CRT message directly to Congress through in-person meetings on Capitol Hill. The day's schedule: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Capitol Hill Visits; 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Debriefing Reception.
You can register at either the NCART ( or NRRTS ( websites. Discounted hotel rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
If you weren't able to make it last year, you need to check with your colleagues who were there. Based on the feedback we received, industry attendees walked away with solid information to help their businesses and everyone felt good after meeting with the offices of their Congressional representatives to move our CRT legislation ahead.
Your presence in Washington sends a very strong message, plus the education and networking will benefit your business or practice.
We will be sharing more in the weeks ahead. Please help spread the word to other CRT stakeholders and get signed up today. Thanks!
- Don
Donald E. Clayback
NCART Executive Director
[email protected] |
Release Date: 27-Jan-2014
January 27, 2014 by NCART