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Archive - May 2015

Problems with Cost Plus Payment in CRT

[caption id="attachment_184" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Learn more about the problems with Cost Plus Payment and exploring some alternative paying methods.[/caption]   Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) products are specialized and customized...

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CRT Stakeholders Call on Lawmakers to Protect IL Medicaid Beneficiaries

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 19, 2015 CONTACT Don Clayback, NCART Executive Director, 716-839-9728, Coalition of Complex Rehab Technology stakeholders call on Illinois Lawmakers to protect, not punish, Medicaid beneficiaries with...

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4 Tools to Tell the CRT Story

[caption id="attachment_170" align="aligncenter" width="700"] NCART provides all of the materials you need to get the word out about Complex Rehab Technology.[/caption] It is an important time to be spreading the message about Complex Rehab Technology...

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advocacy, Complex Rehab Technology, CRT awareness